I found out about it nearly three weeks ago. I was watching Guiliana Rancic (E!News @7:00pm /ET) interviewing Julia Roberts [because of her promoting "Duplicity"] and Guils (that's how I call her: 'Guils') told Julia about Twitter...Hhhhmmm! That slided by my side.
Then, the very next day, I saw Ellen (as in DeGeneres) that spoke on her show about 'tweets' and Puff-P-Puffy Diddy-Daddy ,who is like The Mayor of TweetLand...so, of course, me (being an Internet jerk and I fall for all this kind of cyber-junk...I'm pretty sure I have accounts in every single WebOutlet there is) started my research about "Twitter". It wasn't easy because I misspelled the damn name...but I figured it out.
When I got to the main page and (obviously) signed on for my brand new account I was very excited (still am) with my new toy.
It took me a little time to find out how it works, 'till date I'm still struggling with many things.
But the fact that you can get instant connection with a whole variety of people out there is amazing.
I started 'following' celebrities ( Is there any other reason why to get a Twitter account?). And reading their tweets and stuff.
Suddenly!...I started getting people following ME! Why would anybody follow a 'no one'? I'm telling you, I did not get it!
I did find a funny fascination on how tweetterers tweet about tweetting tweets.
So, of course, I began to follow "the others" (meaning the non-celebrity-ones).
I was very pleased when I found out that, out of nowhere, I had 36...36! followers ( yes,"you" that have like 13'567 followers, can laugh all what you want!) but for me that was a big deal. By the time I got to 70 I was in TweetHeaven. As I'm writing [now] I have 68 ( meaning that 2 stopped 'the follow' when they didn't find what they were looking for).
I also have 4 personal messages, that I haven't been able to reply because ...I don't know how to. I like to reply, that's how polite I am, I like people to know that I appreciate the time they take to write or tweet me...
I tweeted all kinds of things. Anything that I believed was worth throwing out there. And I re-tweeted what I thought was good to do.
I didn't want to look like a "freak" when I found out that I was following 98 people...98!...Who ARE all these people?! I don't know them!
You see, to me, the way Twitter works is better if you follow people that you actually know, like a cousin or a sister or your boyfriend... ... or ex boyfriend (whatever, you can do whatever you want , is none of my bussiness!). But to find out what a buch of people you do not know are doing is kind of...weird.
Still, I'm still stucked with this Twitter thing so I did the next best thing you can do... I started researching reviews and articles and stuff on the Web. That's how I got to a section [in YouTube] dedicated entirely to "How To Gain Massive Followers On Twitter"...What in-the-name-of-Barack-Obama are you saying!!! MASSIVE Followers? So I felt like an idiot watching my miserable 68 follows. I came to realize that many of the people that I interact with (somehow) have thousands of followers and that got me conflicted. I stand by my point of checking on the people you do know, but also I like to know what celebs are doing and I also want to have a legion of followers...
I began to follow a little bit more and now I'm proud to say that I follow 117 tweetterers ( Is that a word?).
Is hard to keep up with this Tweet thing. Even as I have a lot of free time, and I use my computer constantly, I don't want to get attached to a single domain telling everyone every single thing that comes to mind.
And also, you have to keep others interested in what you send out. You don't want to be boring or 'look' creepy. You want to say things that everyone like...but you have to be true to yourself.
So I checked this vid, from one of the TweetNation citizens...when it was done I was so overwhelmed! It's like going to College! It could likely take away all the fun from it. OMG! All that percentage! I want to tweet, not become a scientist! Well, I guess it's OK, you'd come to terms with it.
But what really intrigues me is the fact that, no matter how many times I send a tweet out to the world I never, EVER get a reply back. Even if I tweet the link to my posts publications [here in Blogger] I never get any feedback.
So I saterted thinking: Mmmmmm! Is it really worth it? I dedicate some time (now and then) to this activity but I'm not sure anyone is paying attention...So why keep doing it... what's the point?
To date I haven't got the answers to those questions,but I get some e-Mail notices letting me know every time I get a new follower (some drop out and I gain some others) meaning that I'll keep tweeting my way out, even if I end up having only a handfull of followers.
