Last night, watching the VMAs I was so disappointed on people [in general] for allowing Mr. West behavior to happen over and over again.
I never did like the rapper nor am I a great Taylor Swift's fan but what that man did last night goes beyond boundaries.
When I say that we all allowed this to happen is because we love controversy, we devour every gossip there is and we pass it on perpetuating the cycle.
As we let this go on we loose control on what might come up any given moment.
It all starts with little, funny, crazy things but it progresses to a point where a grown up man feels he owns the right to bully a sweet, talented, classy teenager on national television.
MTV is responsible as well for Mr. West's behavior. This is not the first time the artist makes headlines with his appearances [or comments] in the VMAs ...and MTV loves it! The more controversy they get the better they feel, more money they make because... WE ARE THE CONSUMERS OF THAT GARBAGE!!!
Either MTV put a stop on kanYe and ban him for life or some other institution put a stop on MTV (or any other network for that matter) if they keep perpetuating this kind of aggression.
It's time to do something about this kind of stuff. TV is very influential, even if we try to avoid it, there's always a TV around.
We complain about the way kinds behave in these days, but we are sole responsible for that situation.
When something like [kanYe disrespecting Taylor] happen so publicly we're exposing our own kids to behave likewise.
kanYe not only was rude to Taylor Swift (showing that whatever efforts his family made to help him become a kind, decent man was worthless) but he also embarrassed Beyoncè as well.
He took her name as an excuse to expose how uneducated he was. What a shame!
And then he's under the impression that, after what he did, he just have to throw an apology and the world is good again.
Why not use that brain and think ahead before jumping on a stage and do such a shameful stunt? That's what separate kinds from men...maturity and responsibility.
I have to mention Beyoncè's spectacular class act at the end of the night. She showed why she's such a great star and WHY SHE DESERVES IT.
And Taylor behaved with grace and dignity. You keep doing your thing, girl! Forget about the bullies like kanYe, poor little thing seems to know no better than that.